Ten useful online resources.

Remember to use your "on-line safety rules" that we use in class when navigating this site at home.

1. http://kidsworldz.com
     Students can view this website to learn information on how being overweight can contribute to the development of diabetes. It contains useful information that students can use when creating their posterboards. On a scale from 1-10, I rate this website at a 8.

2. http://kidshealth.org 
      This is an excellent website for students to explore. I rate it a 10! All of the subject matter discussed in the lesson is covered throughout this website.

3. http://pbskids.org/itsmylife 
     This website can be used for lower grade levels. Students can click on different links to learn about all types of information including emotions, school, family, and friends. I rate this website a 9.

4. http://www.webmd.com/
     Students can use this website when completing their project posterboard. Students can use the search box to type in a word, and then explore all the given information on the topic given. I rate this site at a 8.

5. http://www.fda.gov/Food/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/KidsTeens/default.htm
     This website is published by the U.S Department of Helath and Human Services. It contains different types of information on health related concepts including bacteria, food safety, and hand washing. I rate this website a 9.

6. http://www.cyh.com/SubDefault.aspx?p=255 
     This website covers fun stuff about everything that comes along with being a kid including the body, family, food, and feelings. I think that this website is very kid friendly and i rate it at a 9.

7. http://www.kids.gov/ 
     Students can explore this website that is produced by the U.S. Government. It has links that can be explored for which grade level the students are in.I rate this website at a 6.

8. http://www.goodsitesforkids.org/Health.htm
     This website is a good site for kids! Its has information about health and health education. Everything form Swine Flu to gardening is covered on this page. I rate this site a 10!

9. http://health.yahoo.com/
     This is a website produced and created by Yahoo. It is a well known browser that students may feel comfortable using and navigating. It has a serch box were key words can be entered and information about the given subject will appear. I rate this website a 7.

10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/index.shtml
     This is a neat website that has access to videos and radio. This is a good component for children that need extra help with visual aids. There is a search box for search diseases from A to Z.  Anything can be researched on this website. I rate this site a 7.