Three most common barriers to technology.

1. "Old-school" educators, who are happy with a low-tech classroom where technology is rairely used, and are intimitated by technology and it's uses in the 21st century.

- Help educators with getting acoustum with the use of technology.

- Teach educators that technology is a wonderful element to use in the classroom, and that both students and teachers will benifit from it's use.

2. Technology is not available to all teachers who would use it to integrate technology in their classes.

 - Make funds available or make available the purchase or leasing of enough computers for every classroom to have at least two computers.

- Computer Lab schedules should provide enough opportunity for teachers to do ongoing projects that infuse technology into their lessons.

3. Political issues.

- Use computers for positive things such as research and free time, instead of using them just for Test Prep for standarized testing.

- Teach teachers and educators not to bring political issues into the classroom unless necessary to the subject matter or lesson.